
Don King Tribute To Harry Reid

A Godly friendship is priceless.  Many people only show loyalty when something benefits them.  But, this was not the case where Senator Harry Reid was concerned.  To him, a friend was a friend.  No matter what the circumstances may be… Friendship and loyalty prevailed.

My great friend, the honorable Harry Reid has passed on from his life, here on earth.  Our lord and savior Jesus Christ has called him home to heaven. But his spirit of helping others, remains as a guideline to others, to continue his good works.

The lord giveth and the lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the lord.

Senator Harry Reid, the honorable and loyally committed senator to his home state of Nevada will be greatly missed.  He loved the great state of Nevada… and he loved the wonderful people of Nevada.  He loved the great country of America… and he loved the great people of America. He illustrated and demonstrated that great love of we the people, in his great representation of them in his pursuit of righteousness for them on both the state level and the national level.  He loved and represented every race, color, gender, creed and religion of we the people, with great dignity and aplomb, in fighting for their rights of liberty, equality, justice and freedom on their behalf in the pursuit of happiness. 

My fellow Americans, I unhesitatingly declare that I deeply love and greatly respect the life of my great friend and my dear brother, Harry Mason Reid, in our struggle together for liberty, justice, equality and freedom for all of the American people. 

Senator Harry Reid was a pillar of truth and herculean strength in American patriotism and the sword of truth for the righteousness of our American democracy.  My brother, in the struggle, Senator Harry Reid and Don King, the only in America man, shared a common bond in our belief that America (country) first.  Our word is our bond, our loyalty, and our actions for a better America is our goal, which means more than money to us.  Harry Reid’s word was his bond.  He lived by his word, and on his word.  If he told you something or said something that he would do, in regard to a critical situation, you could bet your life on the fact, of it being done.  No ambiguity, he kept his word.  He was totally reliable.  Words are what people live by… when they keep their word by doing what they say and mean.  We the people, must celebrate the life and legacy of Harry Reid, in the American spirit of Harry Reid…  

What he stood for… in standing up for the righteousness and the rights of all of the great American people. The American spirit of his loyalty, conviction, dedication and commitment for a better America, for all of the American people.  The American spirit of Harry Reid’s attitude was impeccable, based upon that truth it was above reproach.  That American spirit of Harry Reid will live forever… Eternally… and shall never die…

The lord has blessed Don King and the wonderful American people to share Harry Reid’s wonderful life together.  And although both Harry Reid and Don King coming from two distinctively different backgrounds, they amazingly shared humble beginnings with an insatiable love for a better America for all of the American people.  And they shared in that truth that the keeping of one’s word was the highest stature (form) an esteemed of dignity, integrity and reliability…  which means accountability, responsibility and man hood!!!

“He who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness and honor.” – Proverbs 21:21


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